Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sunrise - Hyde Park

I have gotten into the habit of looking out my window at sunrise whenever I travel - need to see what the day has to offer interns of light.

This morning I was up early getting ready to depart London when this scene appeared outside my hotel room window. No time for anything but an iPhone capture and then out the door to the airport.

At first it seemed s bit washed out but eventually I figured out a way to make that work for the image. By washed out I meant there were reflections from the room in the window that I did not have time to fix. I pressed the iPhone up to window, captured the image, but still ended up with a few soft areas. In the end the soft feel gives the image a neat look. For me the lines of the pavement are a nice foreground for the sunrise.

Truehdr, dynamic light, filter storm, iris, photo forge and sketchmee were used.

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